Team Canada Official Logo.
The logo's show on this page are the property of Canada Inline. None of these logo's are to be used in any way : for any print / advertising / garments etc. without the written permission of Canada Inline.
These logo's are being shared here, to allow the players and their families the opportunity to share the proper logo's on their social media pages.

Pure Maple Official Team Logo
The logo's show on this page are the property of Canada Inline. None of these logo's are to be used in any way : for any print / advertising / garments etc. without the written permission of Canada Inline.
These logo's are being shared here, to allow the players and their families the opportunity to share the proper logo's on their social media pages.

Thank you for respecting the use of these logo's. Should you wish to use these logo's for anything else please contact us to discuss your ideas prior to any work being done.
Thank you,
Canada Inline.