November Update
It is hard to believe that November is almost over. As the year comes to an end, we wanted to update you on some important and exciting information as well as any tournament dates that we have.
Our big announcement is that we recently have joined a partnership with The Pama Golden Knights Academy. For further details, please click here.
As you know, covid-19 made it a challenging year for tournaments and this still continues. While our initial plan was to send some teams from our Pure Maple program to NARCH Winternationals in California this January. Due to the continued border closures and various provincial covid-19 protocols, we will not be doing this.
Our current plan is that our sport will be back on in the spring and better than ever. Therefore, we will be hosting tryouts across Canada from May 7th to May 16th. Stay tuned for exact provincial dates to be released sometime in February. A friendly reminder that any collected funds for our 2020 tryouts will be automatically credited towards the 2021 scheduled tryouts and will be price protected against any increases. If you would like a refund for any paid fees, simply contact and Kristine will be happy to assist you.
Tournament dates that we currently do have are as follows:
- Masters (37+) World Cup - June 7th -12th, 2021 - Bad Tolz, Germany
- Veterans (45+) World Cup - June 7th -12th, 2021- Bad Tolz, Germany
- Legends (50+) World Cup - June 7th -12th, 2021- Bad Tolz, Germany
- Jr Men & Sr Women World Championships - Aug 22-28th, 2021, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
- Jr Women & Sr Men World Championships - Aug 29th - Sept 4th, 2021, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
***We are aware that the above dates for the Jr Men's & Jr Women's World Championships are a conflict with ice hockey and school schedules.
We will continue to update you on other events such as NARCH and State Wars as we want to provide opportunities at all ages and level of play.
Once again, thank you so much for your patience and support. We look forward to coming out of this time bigger and better than ever, with more opportunities for our players and families to experience this great sport, in their local communities and around the world.
Ben Frank
Canada Inline President
P.S. Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.